Binance JasmyCoin Trading Competition ( Win Tesla Model Y & $20000 )
Trade JasmyCoin (JASMY) to Win a Tesla Model Y and $20,000 in JASMY!
Promotion Period: 2022-04-07 00:00 AM to 2022-04-13 11:59 PM (UTC)
Trade JASMY to Win a Tesla Model Y and $20,000 in JASMY Token Vouchers
All users who trade 100,000 JASMY or more during the promotion period will be ranked based on the total JASMY trading volume traded on their Binance accounts (including both buys & sells) across eligible JASMY spot and margin trading pairs during the promotion period. The reward structure is as follows:
1st place: Tesla Model Y Long Range model (worth 50,000 USDT)
2nd place: $6,000 in JASMY token vouchers
3rd place: $4,000 in JASMY token vouchers
All other qualified participants: Split $10,000 in JASMY token vouchers based on each user’s total trading volume as a proportion of the qualified users’ total effective trading volume (excluding the top 3 winners)
Eligible JASMY spot and margin trading pairs: JASMY/BTC, JASMY/USDT, JASMY/BNB, JASMY/ETH and JASMY/BUSD.